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Blacklight Better For Mac Or Windows

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Blacklight Better For Mac Or Windows

File Filter View Efficiently Sift Through Large Data Sets BlackLight's signature File Filter view includes examiner-defined filter options to quickly pinpoint relevant data within large data sets.. The theory was that Mac users were safer because of sheer numbers: hundreds of millions of Windows systems make a more attractive target than a much smaller number of Mac users.. Mobilyze Mobilyze is a mobile device triage tool, designed to give users immediate access to data from Android and iPhone/iPad devices.. Examiners may export large data sets in an easily readable format, and can export reports in a variety of formats to enable easy information sharing with all interested third parties.. Filter criteria include: • File name, kind, size, or extension • Date created, modified, or accessed • Picture metadata attributes, including GPS coordinates and camera (iPhone/iPad device) type • Positive and negative hash set filtering Examiners may apply any number of filters or inverse filters to quickly isolate important data from system files or base application files. HERE

In the past, backlogs of smartphones would pile up as agencies had to rely solely on their investigators with specialized training. HERE

With BlackLight's Report view, you can: Easily tag evidence and include any and all relevant metadata in the examiner report Export your report in your choice of formats, including. 3

0 to 10 3 iPod Touch 2G and newer with iOS 4 0 to 10 3 Android Devices running Android 4.. Teamviewer 13 for mac So, you do not have to be using the same platform on both devices.. pdf, html, docx, and txt Export eDiscovery data to a generic Concordance load file that is compatible with all major review platforms Mask (blur) sensitive data contained within examiner reports that may be shared with non-authorized third parties.. So, you will not have to transfer the files by other slower means Since it supports cross-platform access.. Epson m200 printer driver for mac Traces of potentially important user activity from many disparate locations are organized for practical, efficient examination. 5ebbf469cd

Elements include: Windows Registry artifacts - recently executed files and programs, link files, jumplists, Prefetch and Superfetch data Device connection data for all devices previously connected to the system, including USB device connection dates/times and the associated user account iOS device backups Recent file downloads Trash (for Mac OS X volumes) and Recycle Bin (for Windows volumes) Current and deleted user account info.. Reporting Customize Your Report BlackLight is designed to make reporting incredibly flexible.. Actionable Intel Easily Uncover User Actions BlackLights Actionable Intel view allows examiners to view various data points that can be attributed to a user's actions.. And then along came Mobilyze IOS iPhone 3G and newer with iOS 4 0 to 10 3 All iPads with iOS 4.. BlackLight comes with several pre-set file filters, including those that filter by file type, file attribute, geolocation coordinates, and source device type. Click